Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Remove THIS!

I’d like to extend a special thank you to Sir David Habben who created both the banner for this blog as well as the “staple remover picture” in this post. The story behind this picture is as follows:

My boss’s seven year old, poorly behaved niece (we’ll call her Madame Destructo or MD for short) came into our office. Refusing to be distracted by the “quiet activities” we were suggesting, MD proceeded to terrorize us by smashing markers on the white board, cutting random things that weren’t meant for cutting, and using a white out pen with reckless abandon. The true low point of that afternoon came, however, when MD found a staple remover. After quickly becoming bored with staple removing paper and wood, MD came over to me and attempted to remove the invisible staples from my nice sweater. This is the exchange that ensued:

C: See the edges of this staple remover? Those are sharp. My sweater is soft. If you do that again, you’re going to cut my sweater. Do you think that’s a good idea?

MD: YES! [repeat action]

I told Mr. Habben this story, and he interpreted it as a delightful opportunity to commission this piece of art. Pieces of art can have many different interpretations. The original version of this picture showed either flames or some kind of bright light engulfing MD. I chose to interpret MD as being on fire, and greatly miss that feature of this piece of art.

I also happen to be wearing that same sweater today. Ahh, memories.

1 comment:

Pattie S Christensen said...

And I have successfully avoided MD ever since!!!!